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Interested in becoming an RJ assessor?

Information about becoming an RJ assessor

Assessors are an important part of how restorative justice grows and matures as a sector, maintaining and continuously raising the standard of training, accreditation and reaccreditation.

As the training and accreditation supplier, Simply Resolution will draw from a pool of experienced restorative justice practitioners and/or other relevant professionals to carry out the assessments for accreditation or endorsement. Assessors:

  • are or have been accredited and experienced restorative justice facilitators OR hold equivalent qualifications or have equivalent experience in a relevant sector

  • have a NZQA assessor qualification

  • reflect the diverse New Zealand population including gender, age, ethnicity, Māori, non-Māori and Pacifica representatives

  • hold or have held specialist endorsements for those doing specialist assessments

  • have Police Checks every two years.

Ideally, assessors should be found across New Zealand in order to make the assessments easier for both parties. If you are interested in becoming an assessor, please reach out to Simply Resolution at

Whilst the list of requirements could appear daunting for some, requirements such as the NZQA can be done online over a couple of days. There are quite a few education providers that can provide that training. Please reach out if you have trouble finding an education provider.

We’re a trusted dispute resolution partner for some of New Zealands largest organisations