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Becoming an RJ facilitator

Entry into RJ facilitation

A Restorative Justice Facilitator is a professional who works with victims/survivors and perpetrators of crime to support them in addressing the harm caused and finding a positive way forward. The facilitator provides the wrap-around administration and support for victims and offenders who wish to go through the Restorative Justice process. The role involves a significant amount of contact with people affected by and involved in crime.

On this page you will find an explanation on how to become an RJ facilitator in Aotearoa New Zealand.

How to apply and the costs

Simply Resolution is contracted by the Ministry of Justice to deliver the training and accreditation. Details on enrolling or applying for training can be found below. Please see the pages specifically for accreditation and endorsement.

The Ministry of Justice funds training and accreditation for people hoping to work as restorative justice facilitators. Occasionally, there are places available for those working alongside restorative justice services (for example, victim advocates). From time-to-time, training may be undertaken on a fee for service basis by other interested people. Please email for more information.

To become a restorative justice (RJ) facilitator, you must:

  • complete initial training (or apply for recognition of prior learning) and

  • achieve and maintain accreditation (standard RJ cases) and/or

  • achieve and maintain endorsement (family violence and/or sexual violence cases)

Pathways through training, accreditation and endorsement

The pathways from training to accreditation and endorsement are shown in below.

  • If you have little or no prior relevant work experience you will progress through the stages in Pathway 1. This is the most common route to becoming an RJ facilitator

  • If you have knowledge and experience specifically related to family and/or sexual violence you may be eligible for Pathway 2 which allows for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


Pathway 1

Pathway 2

Once training is completed you have 12 months to ‘work towards’ accreditation/endorsement. During this time you will:

You have approved Recognition of Prior Learning which means you are able to begin work immediately. During the first 12 months you will:

  • have an agreed Mentoring Plan for progression to accredited status

  • have an agreed Mentoring Plan for progression to accredited status

  • be co-facilitating cases with more experienced restorative justice practitioners (where possible)

  • be co-facilitating cases with more experienced restorative justice practitioners (where possible)


  • you have in place regular, clinical supervision



  • be planning when to complete the Standard and Advanced training within 18 months knowing this will be counted as Continuing Professional Development

How do I start?

To work in the restorative justice sector, you should have sponsorship through a provider group. There is a provider in every district court in Aotearoa New Zealand. Once you have an arrangement with them, you can apply to start the training by emailing Simply Resolution and asking for an application form.

If you do not have this sponsorship, training can still be provided at cost, but places on the courses are prioritised for sponsored trainees.

Do facilitators need to be trained, accredited and endorsed?

Yes. Currently the Ministry of Justice Outcome Agreements with Providers require that:

  • All Facilitators delivering Pre-Conferences or Conferences must be Restorative Justice Accredited by the Simply Resolution (or its agent) or working towards Restorative Justice Accreditation.

  • All Facilitators delivering Pre-Conferences or Conferences relating to Family Violence cases must be FamilyViolence Endorsed by Simply Resolution (or its agent).

  • All Facilitators delivering Pre-Conferences or Conferences relating to Sexual Violence cases must be SexualViolence Endorsed by Project Restore (or its agent). Project Restore is the only provider nationwide that can conduct Sexual Violence facilitations.

  • All Facilitators must deliver services that meet the Ministry of Justice Restorative Justice Practice Framework and Standards.

Ministry of Justice, Restorative Justice Practice Framework

Ministry of Justice, Restorative Justice Standards for Family Violence

Ministry of Justice, Restorative Justice Practice Standards for Sexual Violence

More information can be found in the pathways guide

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