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Design services

Creating services that work

We can help organisations design and deliver a dispute resolution system. We bring our knowledge and expertise and we know what works and what doesn't. We bring expertise in all areas within a dispute resolution landscape and support services. You will need to bring a mandate for change, the right people and whatever information you already have. Together we can build an understanding of the situation and design a system to achieve its purpose.

Working out what we already know

Many organisations already hold lots of information and one of the challenges is to work out what is already known before we begin the design process. Once we understand what you already have, we can begin to talk about the design process with your organisation.

Getting the right people involved

We must the right people involved in the design process. This includes people from your organisation, potential users of the service, any relevant regulators, people involved in drafting, and other relevant stakeholders.

Building relationships

Developing a dispute resolution scheme can create challenges within the sector. We will help you plan for this and support you to build relationships with stakeholders and support you to build teh case for change and help your organisation and your stakeholders join you in this journey.

Three big questions

We will need to work through three questions relation that will help us together to design the scheme.

What is the purpose of your dispute resolution scheme?

Your organisation needs to be clear about what it wants to achieve. What is the purpose of creating your scheme. We will help you develop this purpose and share this with your stakeholders.

What resolution services does your scheme need?

We provide different types of dispute resolution services, including entry into a scheme, consensus based and adjudicative dispute resolution. Some schemes focus on one or two services, other schemes offer all dispute resolution services. We will help you and your stakeholders consider what type of services will help you acheive its purpose.

What support services does your scheme need?

Many dispute resolution schemes aim to provide early resolution and improve access to justice. When you are thinking about resolution, it's important to understand what barriers currently exist and whether any new ones will be created by starting a dispute resolution scheme.

We can help you decide whether people will need to go through an internal process and how your scheme would benefit from helping people use the service, for example, peer-support, navigation or advocacy. You will also need to consider whether your scheme will use wider services that support resolution for example legal information, expert evidence or advocacy services. We will work with you to explore each of these and see how they might help with resolving your disputes.

We will also work with you to consider how reporting can be made easy and how your system will interface with any court processes.

We’re a trusted dispute resolution partner for some of New Zealands largest organisations