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Our Beginning

Matthew Clayton founded our organisation in 2010. We began our life by providing independent consensus-based and adjudicative resolution services to organisations engaged in multiple different schemes.

During this time, Warren Forster worked as an advocate with Forster and Associates then Barrister. He also undertook research with the University of Otago.

Talk – Meet – Resolve

In 2019, Matthew and Warren created a partnership to deliver a world-class dispute resolution service and transform the way people experienced disputes in the ACC system. They designed a service to resolve ACC disputes within 20 working days and they achieved this.

Tertiary Education Dispute Resolution Service

In 2021, we created the Tertiary Education Dispute Resolution service and expanded the organisation's focus from consensus-based to include adjudicate services. This new service went live on 1 January 2022

Simply Resolution

In 2022, Clayton and Associates changed its name to Simply Resolution. This helps people understand what we do and how we do it.

Simply resolution provides two branded resolution services. Talk – Meet – Resolve is our consensus-based service and Listen – Decide is our adjudicative service. We operate these in multiple different dispute resolution schemes in different sectors. We also provide non-branded bespoke services to clients. We also help to provide services that support resolution. In 2023 we will launch our consultancy services and community programme.

We’re a trusted dispute resolution partner for some of New Zealands largest organisations